CityApp is the official mobile app for the City of Hamilton. CityApp consolidates our most popular online information and service tools to keep you connected with programs we offer residents - access garbage and recycling calendars, current events, local government info, social media and more.
- Find and contact your Councillor, easily add committee meetings to your smartphone calendar, check meeting agendas and watch videos of Council sessions.
- Access waste collection resources, including our interactive waste collection calendar and sorting tools.
- View and filter drop-in recreation schedules by date or location. You can even add classes to your calendar. Get notifications when drop-in programs are cancelled or facilities have emergency closures.
- Browse job opportunities in the City.
- ‘Near Me’ GPS functionality - Find local events and festival listings based upon distance from your current location
- Read our recent media releases.
- Check out City of Hamilton’s official Instagram, Twitter and YouTube channels.
CityApp是汉密尔顿市的官方移动应用程序。 CityApp巩固了我们最流行的在线信息和服务工具,让您使用程序连接的,我们提供的居民 - 进入垃圾和回收日历,时事,当地政府信息,社交媒体等。
- 寻找并联系您的委员,轻松地添加委员会会议,将智能手机的日历,查看会议议程和观看理事会会议的视频。
- 访问废物收集资源,包括我们的互动式垃圾收集日历和整理工具。
- 查看和筛选器下拉列表中按日期或地点休闲计划。你甚至可以添加类日历。操作时收到通知投递计划被取消或设施有紧急关闭。
- 在城市浏览就业机会。
- “在我身边的GPS功能 - 查找基于距离当地的活动和节日列表,从您目前的位置
- 阅读我们最近的媒体发布。
- 看看汉密尔顿市的官方的Instagram,Twitter和YouTube频道。